Treating Gynecomastia on "The Doctors"

Male breast reduction was the 4th most popular cosmetic surgery for men in 2009 as they seek a more masculine chest.

Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the male breast which makes the sufferer's chest look similar to a woman's. Often dubbed "moobs," this condition is surprisingly common. According to 2009 statistical information from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), male breast reduction is the 4th most popular surgical procedure for men, behind liposuction, rhinoplasty and eyelid tucks.

On today's episode of The Doctors, plastic surgeon Dr. Elliott Jacobs performs a male breast reduction procedure on his 15 year old patient who is having a difficult time with being teased in school because of his gynecomastia. In the procedure, Dr. Jacobs first performs liposuction to remove the fatty tissue from the breast. Next, the physician removes the breast tissue through an incision made at the edge of the nipple. In this patient's case, Dr. Jacobs removed 2 pounds of fatty breast tissue.

According to ASAPS numbers, in 2009, nearly 17,000 gynecomastia procedures were performed in the US. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia and recovery takes a few weeks. Some pain after surgery is to be expected as well as some swelling and bruising. Initially patients may be concerned that there hasn't been an improvement, but once the swelling goes down over the next two to three weeks, results will become apparent. It takes about a month to return to normal physical activity.
Male Breast Reduction surgery results of Dr. Gary Friedman