When it comes to operating a prosperous practice, giving patients their best treatment is most important.
Running a successful business is difficult no matter the field, but in the highly competitive aesthetic field, it's a good idea to diversify and offer treatments to a wide range of patients. While having a specialty is good, offering several treatments can help physicians run a more prosperous practice.
The relationship between the physician and patient is an important, yet delicate one. While it's great to offer a wide variety of procedures, this only works if the physician is properly trained to perform the procedures. The doctor must not only have the knowledge and experience needed to provide the patient with the best care possible, but must also know when to either refer the potential client to another procedure or let them know that the results they desire aren't possible. It is first and foremost the physician's duty to care for their patient, and not try to simply reap the financial rewards.
He says that it is critical for patients to search out physicians with extensive training so that if a patient is not a candidate for a procedure, other treatments can be offered. Dr. Blinski says, "If you're a family practice, a general practitioner or a dermatologist, say you're doing skin care and every now and then you get a SmartLipo patient. The problem is the heavy set patients think this is the answer. You have to get good patient selection."
According to Dr. Blinski, part of being a good plastic surgeon is knowing when to turn patients away. "If you're a plastic surgeon, you're going to turn down patients." He says that patients with proper expectations are critical to the success of their procedures and the practice in general. "You've got to find the right patient that has realistic expectations as a candidate.... This is going to save patients a lot of aggravation and unhappiness and the doctors too."